Monday, February 23, 2015

Linux distro hopping.

I've done a lot of disto hopping since I started using Linux and have decided most are at least usable. Ubuntu and Mint along with the various derivatives are likely the easiest for beginners. They are available with the most popular Desktop Environments (DE) and some of more obscure ones. Fedora, Debian and many others are also good choices. Arch Linux is very popular with some of the more experienced users but takes more time and know how to set up. Arch Linux does have some of the best documentation out there. So if you have some experience and like to read and experiment I highly recommend Arch.

What am I currently using? Well, I like to have 3 or more partitions on a hard drive so I can have several available at any time. If I screw something up or want to try something new I can do that without disabling the machine. Always have something to fall back on. Also, I have a separate data partition for all my documents, music, etc. which is available to any operating system I happen to be using. I keep a backup of the data partition on a separate drive for safe keeping.

Oh, back to the above question. I am currently using KDE neon on both computers.

Also playing with the Raspberry pi with Raspbian OS, a version of Debian that runs on very small, low powered ARM devices. More on that later.
